Regular ghost gear maintenance SS Trevier & REM3
On July 18, the Dutch team returned to the S.S. Trevier for regular maintenance dives, this is the perfect opportunity for us to train with new volunteer divers to gain experience, as we know this dive site very well and have been working here for years to get it clear of debris. In conjunction with a recreational fishing research dive on the REM3 wreck, the team removed a total of 75kg of trawler nets, 15m of gillnets and recreational fishing gear.
As you know, we take training new volunteer divers very seriously! Removing ghost fishing gear underwater is an extremely demanding task that can only be safely performed by a good team of well-trained divers. It’s all about team play. Remember that a solid team must form themselves by training with each other and get to know each other to operate smoothly and safely, this is a process. The team needs to gain lots of experience with each other on a very regular basis. This way ensures that people can “read” and trust each other blindly in all possible situations.