21 Jul 2020

Hundreds of meters of gill nets recovered from S.S. Trevier

Last weekend our team was hunting for lost fishing gear at the Dutch North Sea again with great results. For eight years we target a local shipwreck we identified in as S.S. Trevier back in 2018. For the last decades, this location has become a gathering place for a wide range of fishing gear, and we removed several tonnes of it in a large number of dives. This diving day, we brought in three relatively new volunteers who learn a lot from our experienced teams. We can learn everything about our teamwork, procedures and experience the harsh conditions we are diving in.

Mission statistics:

  • 1 Day
  • 2 Dives
  • 16 Hours at sea
  • 10 Volunteer divers
  • Hundreds of meters of gill nets
  • Huge amount of recreational fishing gear
  • Most of the gear will be recycled / up-cycled in corporation with Healthy Seas.

Check out the great photos by Cor Kuyvenhoven

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