Craypot recovery Taputeranga Marine Reserve, New Zealand
The Taputeranga Marine Reserve was officially opened on the South Coast of Wellington, New Zealand in September 2008, cov
ers 855 hectares and includes all foreshore along its northern face. Being a Marine Reserve, removal of any life from the area is prohibited.
On 5 November 2020, Rob Wilson, Sophie Mormede and Chris Fink discovered a crayfish pot in the reserve. This item may have been washed to this location by the extreme weather this area receives but it is also possible that the pot may have been illegally placed in this location.
On 24 February 2021, the Ghost Diving NZ management team decided to remove the pot from the Reserve. The crayfish pot was located quickly embedded in the sediment at 13 metres in a natural “Y” shaped crossroads between several rock formations. The team assessed the pot, finding several crabs entrapped but all were beyond any rescue. Lift bags are deployed and secured to each of the four exposed corners of the pot then inflated, sending the pot to the surface.
Once on the surface, the dive team scooters the pot back to the beach.
As the team returns, they are greeted by the patiently waiting shore team, a job well done and flawlessly executed.
An excellent effort by the Ghost Diving NZ team Rob Wilson, Sophie Mormede, Chris Fink, Stuart Day (Dive team), Eddie Howard, Asako Iijima and Rob Edward (Shore Team).
By Stuart Day | Ghost Diving New Zealand