The Netherlands

Coordinator: Hens van Oeveren

Hens is an experienced technical/CCR and cave diver who started diving in 1980 with local CMAS club and extend training with GUE from 2001 on. As a former marine engineer wrecks, and special the engine room, are of great interest for him.

Seeing the underwater pollution grow since 1980 he started volunteering with Ghost Diving in 2014 to help making people aware of this pollution. He became part of the board in 2023.

As coordinator he aims to reach out to many divers and non divers so they can understand that everyone can make a difference

Coordinator: Pim Jonker

Pim has enjoyed the underwater world since he was a child and now dives as a technical, cave and rebreather diver. He has been around since the beginning of Ghost Diving and has done many projects worldwide for cleaner seas and lakes. With his long experience he also likes to share his knowledge with other teams elsewhere and train them. He was also one of the founders of the GUE project Baseline The Netherlands to create awareness for environmental challenges.

Since 2024 he is the coordinator of Ghost Diving The Netherlands and will focus with his team on removing lost fishing gear in the lakes in the Netherlands and wrecks in the North Sea.