Ghost Diving - Clean-Up with THW Kiel & Bracenet

Clean-Up with THW Kiel & Bracenet

Clean-Up with THW Kiel & Bracenet   On December 10th a mixed team from Healthy Seas, Bracenet and Ghost Diving Germany supported local sport club THW Kiel with a well-organized Beach & Harbor Clean-Up in Kiel. Healthy Seas and Bracenet did the main organizational part, set up a camp, distributing flyers and information to bystanders and other interested people as well as…

Ghost Diving - Shark Week in Gdynia Aquarium Poland

Shark Week in Gdynia Aquarium Poland

Shark Week in Gdynia Aquarium Poland   On 21-27 November 2022 Gdynia Aquarium in Poland organized a “Shark Week”. At this occasion children and their families could participate in multiple educational workshops and games: “Creative Teaching Zone” – sharks identification and physiology workshop; “Owners of the Jaws” – presentation and quiz about the world of sharks; “Cartilaginous…

Drone research vs. marine pollution: 1-0

Drone research vs. marine pollution: 1-0

Drone research vs. marine pollution: 1-0   Led by conservation biologist, Dr Sol Milne of Wolf Fish Ltd. and Ghost Diving Greece Coordinator, Nikos Vardakas, the research project ‘Coasts Untangled’ aims at developing aerial surveying methods to better see into water with rugged & complex bottom topography, coupled with scuba-diving transect surveys in order to locate lost fishing gear,…